Category: MP-1
MP-1: Improving reliability with ACK and adding a PANIC! button
Since the Jeenode’s RFM12B is a bit slow (transceiving at 49.2K bps) and midi is a bit slower at 31250 bps, the processor doesn’t have much time to process all the traffic. Keep in mind that the Jeenode has to be able to receive MIDI messages on the serial port, receive incoming wireless transmissions through…
MP-1: Adding a small display… and a rotary encoder
A display is necessary to be able to really augment the functionalities of the MP-1. A couple of LEDs blinking is fine for Power-ON and Battery status, but a small display adds much more flexibility. Since one version of the test setup is using a Jeenode, I will be using a Jeelab display with the Jeelab…
MP-1: Wireless testing and midi commands
The MP-1 will include a wireless interface. I decided to test the possibilities of the technology I chose. Mainly, I will be using an RFM12B transceiver to exchange data between components. So, I designed a very simple interface using off-the-shelf parts: An Arduino and an RFM12B radio. Because I wanted to test MIDI data trasmission…