As I’m completing assembly of the first of five prototypes, I decided to test the unit before putting it all into a box. Since I want the PU-2 to include a USB-Midi interface, I use the technology that I documented here. I ordered a few more Midi interfaces from a local (North-American) EBay supplier. The USB-Midi interfaces that arrived were a different design than those that I used before, but I figured that I could still modify them and incorporate them into the PU-2 box. Problem…
The USB-Midi interfaces that I received do not tolerate long Midi Sysex sequences and the PU-2 stops at 399 bytes, well short of the 3080 bytes making the PU-2 Sysex message. I tried a second one to compare. Same results. They are going back.
Now, I have to wait for the bunch of (familiar) USB-Midi interfaces that I ordered from China at the same time. They will come. I just don’t know when…
Hang on, Beta testers!
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