I have decided to try the MRe-2 in a real setting. So I hooked up my keyboard and recorded a demo.
It was done using Ableton Live 9. The trick was to setup 2 midi loops (using clips). The first one is used to loop the riff that plays after the intro. I had to do a few takes to get it just right and get the timing on 2 bars. Also, three separate midi tracks were used to transform the ribbon-controller signal from a Midi CC to a Note On-Note Off sequence for the B note in the riff. The Alesis Vortex that I use does not allow a Midi Note On directly from the Ribbon Controller. I also did a version using the MP-1 where it intercepts the incoming CC and changes it to a Midi note. I decided to to the B note from the ribbon controller as a test and also because playing this on a keytar instead of on a flat regular keyboard places my right hand at an angle that makes using my thumb a bit more difficult.
Then I used a second loop for the initial bass line, which is just a note repeat.
The lead guitar uses the same sound as the riff guitar, on a separate track, but has to be coupled with the bass clips to break the second loop when necessary for bass variations.
The drums are pre-recorded Midi divided into a number of clips (I can only do so much live playing!). They are launched in sequence using the pedal board (a modified Behringer FCB1010). This also triggers the bass variations. I could also assign additional pedal board switches to go forward and back through the drum clips for a more improvised play, but this tune keeps me busy concentrating on the speedy guitar!
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